
Because cheap stock photos have a huge impact on businesses, many stock sites have emerged in the Internet. Some are cheap. Others are expensive. If you really take the time to look, you will also find those with just the right price. When looking for the right stock photos for your project, you should consider your creative needs and budget. Only then, you will be able to find the right image source that will help you through the road of business success.


There are several major players in the cheap stock photos industry, including:

  • Getty-goodGetty Images. 
    Getty Images has a massive library of over 80 million stock assets. These are not your typical stock images, too. The stock photo site has a reputation of high quality and unique images. Their images have the “Getty spirit” that makes them some of the best in the market. However, all these great images come with a price – a high price. Their offers are more expensive than other stock sites, but they are usually worth it.
  • corbisCorbis. Another famous image bank is Corbis. Like Getty Images, it has been around the stock photo industry for a very long time. It is loved by many veteran creative professionals because of the depth of their library. However just like Getty, it also offers more expensive stock images than other stock sites. If you are on a budget, this is definitely not the image source for you.

Luckily, there are many stock photo agencies in the market. You do not have to worry about going beyond your budget just to find the perfect images for your creative projects. Millions of cheap stock photos are waiting to be discovered in many stock libraries. Determine your needs and budget to find the perfect agency for you. Some of the most famous sources for cheap stock images include:

  • new-shutterstock-logoShutterstock. Shutterstock has over 28 million stock images in its library. You can choose between subscribing to a monthly or annual plan, or purchase images on demand. The stock site is a great source of high quality images.
  • bigstocklogo-1Bigstock. Acquired by Shutterstock a few years ago, Bigstock can help you save money while providing you with the high quality images you need. It has over 26 million cheap stock photos in its library. It has recently shifted to subscription-based service with daily limits. Other options for great stock images are Depositphotos and Fotolia.

You may wonder why iStock is not one of the sites to offer cheap stock photos. Well, iStock has a fairly average pricing. Their plans and pricing are not too aggressive, but are not too expensive as well. Now that you know where to find stock images, start getting the best for your projects. Do not think about getting them for free because you will only hurt yourself and your business.